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Strategy and Business Development Consulting Services

Our company leadership and SMEs bring on average over 30 years of experience leading and supporting executive management, strategic, and business development activities for Tier 1 and Tier 2 companies in pursuit of government and commercial work. Their expertise led to capturing over $70B of new work in the past 10 years. Our services and core capabilities include:

  • Dynamic support to help our clients plan and advance their business strategies and visions
  • Expertise in the DOE industry: nuclear waste operations, treatment, first-of-a-kind technology, disposal, transportation, and decontamination and decommissioning
  • Confidential and trustworthy executive management consulting services
  • Expertise in the DOD industry: logistical support for mission critical projects
  • Understanding of the mining industry: shaft sinking, tunneling, and mining
  • Robust technical services to strategize innovative solutions and deliver project success
  • Diverse pool of experienced, multi-discipline managers, engineers, and support personnel.

For additional information on strategy and business development consulting services please contact Darren Shank at or fill out our contact form.